Un imparziale Vista Samsung Quick Share

Un imparziale Vista Samsung Quick Share

Blog Article

Questa funzionalità ha adepto ad stato utilizzata da l'arrivo del Samsung Galaxy S20, pure sia già disponibile Secondo la previo categoria Galaxy conseguentemente averlo aggiornato se non di più ad Android 10.

” However, devices logged into the same Samsung account can receive files from each other at any time, regardless of the "Who can share with you" settings.

Κοινή χρήση αρχείων με κοντινές συσκευές Επιλέξτε «Κοινή χρήση σε κοντινές συσκευές» για να εμφανίσετε μια λίστα με κοντινές συσκευές.

You'll see a popup showing multiple sharing suggestions including messaging apps and social media, but we're looking for the purple Quick Share icon. If the other Galaxy device is unlocked, it may even show up as a suggestion.


You may have noticed a feature on your Samsung Galaxy device called Quick Share and have some notion that it’s about file sharing, but isn’t that what Nearby Share is for? The whole idea of file sharing between devices can feel complicated if you’ve never given it much thought, which you often don’t until you need it.

Una Piega lì, dovremo registrare il generalità di questo apparecchio e procedere In abilitarlo sul nostro dispositivo Volubile.

Malauguratamente Secondo sfruttare questa diligenza sarà occorrente possedere a propria attitudine sia unico smartphone che un computer del colosso coreano, pertanto la potenziale platea proveniente da utenti si restringe Sopra mezzo considerevole.

We’re actively working on improving our functionality and experience, and welcome any feedback you might have. Please enter them here.

To use Private sharing, tap the “More options” menu at the sommità of the Quick Share screen and select “Turn on Private sharing.” Private sharing prevents others from screenshotting, saving or resending shared files. You can also set an expiration time and date on the files to prevent the recipient’s access after the designated time.

For file sharing with QR codes and contacts, a maximum of 1,000 files can be transferred at a time. There is a size limitation of 3GB altre informazioni Attraverso file and 5GB Secondo day that can be transferred.

If your friends are using iOS or né-Galaxy Android devices, you can still share with them through a QR code.3

Keep important files secure, even after you’ve shared them. With Private sharing, you can set an expiration time and date on files. You can also prevent recipients from screenshotting, saving and resending files.4

File dikirim ke penerima Penerima akan mendapatkan pop-up yang meminta untuk menerima file yang dibagikan. Dengan mengetuk "Terima" pada pop-up akan memulai proses transfer file.

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